Soon to be 90
We found this signature and date when we removed five layers of wallpaper in various styles from the inner walls of our allotment cottage.
We are not sure if Helge Hanson was the first owner of the allotment, or if he was a carpenter who was employed to build the cottage. We will try to find out through the archives of the allotment association, or through the City Museum.
The allotment area was founded in 1917, and we used to think that the cottage was built around 1927, since we found newspapers from 1926 and 1927 under the five layers of linoleum carpets when we bought the place. But now we know better!
We're now shaping the poor old cottage up for its 90th "birthday"!
One Year Ago: Autumn in the north
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- Canon EOS 350D DIGITAL
- 1/50
- f/5.0
- 40mm
- 400
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