l u c k y . 1 3

By erincamilleee

The Difference Between 475 and 375

Each day I distance myself from your warm embrace a little bit more and more. Your blanket of suffocating warmth has been pealed off, tossed aside on the floor carelessly. I walk passed it and no longer crave the heat. I've come to the realization that it's just holding me back.

I love the cold, the chilly nights, the nippy air. It's everything I ever dreamed of. It opens my mind, makes my brain race, and leaves me with a shiver of delight. It's the first time I've felt anything in my entire existence.

I didn't realize you were holding me back until I pulled myself away for a moment. It was an accident, but sometimes accidents are what make life worthwhile. I can remember all the nights I held you tight to me, telling you never to leave me -- I'll need you until the day I die. But I was naive. I had no idea what was outside your walls of coziness.

I stroll through the park in these freezing nights and wonder how I could ever be content with the warmth, it's unbearable now.

The wind has swept me off my feet. And it feels so good.

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