Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

Carriage Driving Ireland, or just An Expensive Hob

Out in Saunders Grove today, shooting this strictly minority interest event, but for a good cause.
There were beautiful animals, lots of Landys, and the all-pervasive smell of horseshit, and the pure country-boy in me loved all of it.
Its Eamonn Kellys farm, a place I love so much that I want to be buried there, but with my eyes above ground, so I can gaze upon this incredible place for all eternity.
Eamonn is both Saint and Legend, a man whose love of the land is worn on the sleeve opposite the one carrying his well disguised altruism.
I found mushrooms, today, in feilds that wear cowpats like badges of honour.
Eamonn fences off large parts of his farm so flora and fauna can fuck and fight, and procreate and die, as they have done for aeons, without our intervention.

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