Estelas en la mar

By Diero

caramelised pineapple

Since we tried it in San Simian, we are trying to replicate the recipe. Yesterday we tested this one, but it didn't work. Today I did my own adaptation... worse.
We'll try a different technique with next pineapple. For the time being, I believe we had enough.

The good thing is we discovered Eskimo ice-cream :)
While PP discovered broccoli, and was enchanted! just wait he finds out there is ice-cream out there ...

Pinco is such a love :) He seems to think I am very funny (nobody ever did), especially when I go barking like a dog of groaning like a lion - or imitating any other animal, for what that matters. We have a whole jungle down here.
By the way, who knows what does a giraffe says???

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