family of 4 x

By CarrieMills

scruff pot

Another accident at nursery but this time the teacher spotted it so she had to get change, think too much fun and not enough concentration on erins part. Me and Denise and talked to her and just reminded her that she can go to the loo as many times as she wants and she won't miss anything.
On a positive we were doing erins letters with her in the evening and she knows the whole pack that she got on Friday - a, I, n, p, s and t. Sounds them all out lovely and does all the actions.

Made babies a little den before tea which they loved and filled with crap!

Caleb has well on truly mastered forks and spoons and cups with no lids. He was actually using them both to make an even better option. With one in each hand he was pushing food with the fork onto the spoon and straight in the mouth, ta da :)

ion with have number 3 of these fangs, wow they have caused him some crap!

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