Libby Feeling Poorly

Poor little Libby Girl hasn't been feeling well for a week or so now. She hasn't been interested in eating. She eats a little each day but nothing like she normally does. Today she snap at me when I was petting her. That just isn't anything that Libby has ever done. I took her to the vet this morning. Talked to the vet on the phone first. She mentioned two things that could be wrong with her. Both serious. I asked if either one was life threatening and she said they both were. (I just lost Cuddles less than a year ago and I said I just can't go through that again.) Well, I took Libby into the vet this morning. I described two symptoms besides her not eating that I had noticed. Turns out she has an infection in her ears and some type of something going on in her mouth/around the teeth. So there are two things right there that would make a cat uncomfortable and not want to eat. I now have some medicine for her ears and the vet gave her a shot for the pain. Gave Libby some milk twice this afternoon and she drank it all. I am to call back Monday and get a prescription for whatever that is in her mouth. I am praying that these are both issues than can be healed. I can't think about anything worse right now or ever for that matter.

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