
By amandoAlentejo

Curdworth Church Bridge

The most amazing day - JUST what we needed.

M and J and I set off to visit my Mum in her Home, but she was having her lunch and gets distracted from eating, so we went off to show J the canal at Minworth. Ended up walking all the way to Curdworth - it just got more and more beautiful - yet again, far too much beauty to choose only one glimpse (especially after a glass of wine). If it weren't for Blip, don't suppose we'd ever have walked along there.

Came off the canal, starving, and found a cozy pub - The White Horse - really good food. Then walked back, no photos this time - still took 40 mins, and again, more beauty.

Visited Mum, shopped, J made good spaghetti, and M here to spend night.

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