Stacking the tipi poles
Part of preparing for winter is storing the tipi poles, propped up on a a bough of a tree in the garden. Rain can run off the poles, keeping them correctly 'seasoned', and they won't rot as they would left on the ground. It's a long wait until the tipi is used again for Glastonbury, but by then it'll be warm and sunny, the poles dried but strong, and much lighter to carry.
It was a whole day spent in the garden, doing those jobs which need sorting out before the Winter weather kicks in. For me it was hours of strimming to clear the overgrown area which will be used as a garden paddock for Jack the cob when the field becomes eaten down. Farmingemma was busy with the horses and chickens, the kids helping out too.
Then into Ross for a coffee shop treat, and home to warm fires.
Hoping for a lazy Sunday and a good walk...
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