Friday Foto

By drmackem

Teaching my Dog to Write Poetry

Daisy Mae having been to Grasmere for the last few days seems to have been inspired by the late resident the great English romantic poet William Wordsworth and is lying around the place gazing longingly into space.
Delighted this morning to be back on the moor we wandered up to the poetry seat where she tried her hand at verse, she dictated I scribed.

OK first attempt was pure begging and not poetry, though true to character.
“I keep really quiet and aim to please
But he never gives me any of his cheese!”

But with a bit of encouragement and advice about rhyming and metre came up with the following in homage to the legend that is Wordsworth

“I wandered lonely as a dog
That sniffs down low over moor and hill
When all at once I saw some bog
Which called me there against my will (ok poetic licence)
I lay in it, all that I could
Then sauntered home all covered in mud”

I think I need to introduce her to Haiku format and sonnet form.
DM and Mrs Mackem think it’s time I went back to work.

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