It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Kennels For Diesel ......LPH For Me ......

Well tomorrow morning Loosecanon /drpeej and I will be winging our way to LPH :-)

A week of much fun and learning me thinks.

I will be with Rockarea and drpeej/loosecanon. Its going to be lovely seeing them both again as I met them about this time last year for the first time on my very first LPH Holiday.
Plus being introduced to the wonderful world of Blip thanks to John Gravett.
Right another quick boring blip today as I'm sad I had to take Diesel Boy to the kennels this morning. I always cheer up when I see how happy he is to be there though. He loves his Auntie Pauline. :-)

Yesterday my second attempt at getting a waterproof cover for the camera arrived! The one I ordered over two weeks ago is still on its journey from needless to say that will be sent straight back when I get home next week!
In this day and age you'd think it would be here before three weeks wouldn't you?

So the camera will stay dry even if we don't! lol
I was a little distracted yesterday and didn't feel great so apologies for such a crap blip. Today isn't much better but tomorrow and next week will be!
I haven't slept at night the last couple of weekends and getting worried I wont turn round quick enough for LPH but I can only try.

TTFN and Ill see you on the LPH side!
Draco Dragon xx

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