Wholesome Poulsom

By Mrs77

Home time....

So after a bit of a hellish night on the ward, we were def ready to go home. There were 3 other babies in the same ward as us and it seemed that one was always kicking off at anyone time. Add in us exhausted mothers some of whom were still trailing catheter bags with them as we all tried to get to grips with feeding our wee ones, plus midwives checking blood pressures and dishing out drugs at all times of the day and night and it all meant for quite the combination of sleep deprivation, trepidation, hunger and general exhaustion which then gets compounded by the fact that all of this is happening in the middle of the night when your morale naturally is at a low ebb.

However morning came, mood brightened and I was so pleased when 77 turned up right on cue at 9am, bless him. A fairly chilled out day and then with a quick lesson from the midwife on how to bath the wee one, we were dutifully discharged, baby 77 was strapped into his car seat and away home we went. Very exciting but also hugely nerve wracking, how would we cope on our own with no blue people to help us...

So first things first, we had a cup of tea. Its what empires are built on after all.

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