"It's Always Nice" ...
...To walk in our back garden..
...Three years ago..there were just weeds, right there - in fact, everywhere...but not now..
...The climbing red geranium is doing well, it likes it right there along the side fence, always rewarding aren't they, and they bloom better if you de-head the spent flowers and then there is the lavender, well that tells it's own story..so beautiful, and behind the lavender is the rosemary, soon to be blue in bloom as well, the roses look happy and yes, it's nice to walk in our back garden..and I'm sure you too, find solace in your garden as well, and if we don't have a garden any more - then we can always enjoy others' front gardens, they don't mind really, most are happy to share their garden with you..and especially to share a compliment..
...And now I must go to help John do some trimming...and yes, it's nice to walk in the garden...
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