My Aim is True


Brilliant day

WHAT a brilliant day!

Not least because of the weather. Oh why, oh why could it not have been like this all summer. Although I was a bit late in getting out and about today. (I blame it on being up late last night. i couldn't sleep. Which I put down to the cheese that I had last night. It's delicious, however it's so strong that I swear I could see though time). Initially I left wearing too many clothes (I'd been sitting in the north wing of the house, so hadn't realised just how hot and sunny it was). So I had to regroup and reassess my attire).

Was meeting up with someone that I don't know and a couple of folk I've not seen for a while to help them with a bit of paperwork. Well they all got on famously, and it was an extremely successful meeting. But most importantly while I was waiting for them all (I was early, a rare occurrence) I had a coffee and cake . Well turns out that it's the most delicious cake ever. Heaven. (and I'm not normally big on cake). And what a great time we all had.

And before they arrived I watched some quack performing her quackery on a wee Morningside wifey. She held her hands an inch from the wifey's head, manouvered them around, up and down her body, but never actually touched her. She explained after that she was channeling her energy and asked her if she'd found the treatment relaxing. Morningside wifey obviously too polite to tell her it was a load of bollox. (although I heard her telling her pal *, once she returned to her table)

I walked home through the gardens (the cider swigging feral kids were out en masse) and the up the High Street. Bloody hell, there's still some folk performing. Now, this could all get confusing - left over Fringe performers still here and the new stoodents are all arriving, goodness that could be mayhem. Stoodents juggling fire in their pants and clowns sitting in lecture theatres.

Popped out later to get the messages and there was at least 200 stoodents being led along Clerk Street, no doubt to introduce them to Embra pub life.

I watched Darren Brown's lottery prediction revelation show. Which revealed nothing, as I suspected.

And I'm thinking I should rush off to William Hill now.

* she may not actually have used the word bollox....

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