....the p(h)easants are revolting.....

Didn't blip last night....came home from work with a thumping headache and a raging sore throat......was in bed by 9.00!

Restless night and gave up at 5.30 and got up. Round about 6.30 went outside for some fresh air.....as I opened the door this guy stepped out from under the window!

He gave me a real glare and strutted round the garden....this was the best shot I could get.

He was a frequent visitor to the local gardens a couple of years ago in the Summer....in fact his bloody noise had us all awake at about 4.0a.m. every day!.......but he's been missing....now he's back....and he's obviously staked his claim on our garden. He wouldn't let me get near him....but he wouldn't be scared away either.

Busy, busy day...mainly thanks to my own stupidity......three lessons to teach...one lesson marking books...and managed to double book myself at lunch time!......a session demonstrating dissection technique to hebs and one of her classes....and a lesson observation......managed all of 5 minutes to inhale a sandwich and half a banana.

To be honest it was a relief when hebs said she wasn't stopping for a beer after work....gave me chance to slope off home myself.

I have a pile of books to mark this weekend....and the bait to get for the match.....and the match on Sunday....and the S&H and his tribe will no doubt be visiting......and the Boss wants me to go look at more kitchens.....oh and the Russians are coming!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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