From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

A big change!

When my stomach started to rumble at 8am signalling the need for my second breakfast, I decided to have something completely different to eggs. I decided to have tonight's dinner for breakfast! Well, part of it anyway. I wasn't going to peel potatoes at that hour of the morning. After all, i was supposed to be working, not spending the day cooking and eating. I made myself a sausage sandwich with my favourite Richmond Irish sausages (the thin ones). Plenty of brown sauce and a bucket of tea made for a fine second breakfast indeed.

Mustang Man who lives opposite called over to collect a parcel dropped off yesterday mid morning. Did I ever tell you that this house is actually the delivery and sorting office for most of the street? Delivery men ring doorbells and rattle knockers during the week and getting no response as everyone is either at work or deceased, they turn around and come straight here. Of course I can never say 'no' and end up with a hall filled with deliveries for the rest of the street most days. Just as well this is only a little cul-de-sac. Imagine if I lived on the Coventry Road! I wouldn't be able to get out of the front door. Anyway, Mustang Man gratefully took his parcel, laughing and saying 'Early Christmas present!' while winking in an odd way through his big glasses which made him look like someone who had escaped from somewhere. Last year, he'd ordered a massive chainsaw and it sat in my hall for a week. His wife and two sons have been seen since so I think they are all still alive.

I carried on with December new starters after he'd gone and that's about all that happened today.

There were lots of little birds in the garden today but I liked this little chap best as he looked as if he was having a bad hair day. I've been having a bad hair fortnight since I last went to the hairdresser. I end up with weird handlebars and bits that won't lie down for no good reason at all. I must be going through a phase!

Track? I've done this one before but it was on the radio after lunch and I fancied this today - a fine song from Free in a good year ;-) All Right Now

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