The "Christmas" sale.

As promised an indoor shot of the mart.

It was .....ridiculously....the Christmas sale today. The last sale of the year. For those of you interested....cattle prices were very good. I didn't wait for the sheep. The Christmas sale is not what it used to be years ago. It used to be a very social occasion quite near to Christmas. Farmers and crofters got together from all over and quite a lot of talking and drinking took place....tea and whisky!! It was a chance to catch up. They used to sell horses and hens also....even the odd turkey! It was great "crack".

Not so much now. There are fewer and fewer cattle and sheep and there are less and less sales. It is a wee bit too far from Christmas to quite stir up the Christmas spirit and in my opinion the old mart had a much nicer feeling to it.

The pink numbers are the weight and the number of calves. They come through a weighbridge as they come into the ring and this is one of the local farmers selling his. They weighed 1255kg, there were 5 of them and so they weighed on average 250kg each.

Anyway hope that makes you feel like you were there....sorry I can't do smellyblip or audioblip!!!

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