One Shot

6:45pm - Drop Erin at fire station for her brownies field trip
6:55pm - Park by cyclepath
7:05pm - Arrive at chimney
7:10pm - Set up tripod & camera. Lots of ambient light. F16. Organise torch filters and memorise pockets. 9 minute exposure. Wrong Aperture. Wrong composition.
7:23pm - Set up tripod in a different spot, plan composition
7:25pm - Open shutter. F8. Venture into tunnels and paint them red. Paint left chimney column orange. Let the moonlight do the rest. 11 minute exposure. Looks OK.
7:37pm - Pack everything away
7:50pm - Arrive back at car and drive back to Alloa
8:00pm - Pick up Erin at fire station

Work in progress this one. I'll go back when I can take a bit more time over it...

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