l u c k y . 1 3

By erincamilleee

Wednesday Floods

The water comes crashing over my limp body and I go down with it. The heavier the wave, the better. If I'm gonna drown, I wanna embrace each and every moment of it. The smooth curve of the wave as it forms above me, the feeling of the current as it pulls me down with it after the crash, starting from the top of my head down to my tingly toes. The soft foam when I resurface, surrounding my body as I lay motionless. It's almost comforting to know that one more wave, and I could be under for good.

What's unsettling is that I just cannot get enough. With each wave I crave more. Take me under, make me gasp for one last breath, leave me swirling in this vast body of water -- I'm finally beautiful. I am art.

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