crafty dragons

By Samantha73

now the real work begins

Sorry no photo yesterday, between laying a carpet and chauffeuring the latest victim of the family tonsillitis epidemic, I didn't get much else done. Got the top most deck tidied and stained, cabin walls glued in place, and a few more port holes on.

Todays work involved rounding off the bow timbers, and begin putting hull planks on. This is where the real work is, soaking the planks in water to soften in order to bend them round the bow without snapping them, trimming out spaces around the portholes and using tweezers to hold the teeny tiny nails steady while hammering them home. And this is just the first layer!!

Ooh Ooh, and I finished #1 !! YAY, 1 down 4 to go! #'s 2 and 3 are now under way. (having to be sneaky and knit some of them while the little people they are for are not around, as some of the wools are obvious who they will be for)

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