Love Love Love

As you all know I love all my children! :0DDDDD

Tonight was parents evening for Johnny, Megan and finally Katie. They are all amazing and never cease to amaze me. Their teachers are very happy with their work ethic and eagerness to learn. Megan and Katie's teachers said that they were both a pleasure to teach. Katie is becoming more confident all the time and Megan is now very ready for "big" school. Johnny's has settled well into P4 but still continues to get easily distracted. He is a very clever wee boy but has always been very easy to "get distracted". He is not falling behind in his work at all however has been moved down a group in writing. His teacher told me today that this happened last week but he hadn't told me! She did continue to say that this week he has worked much harder so it could be a good thing for him to get him going again. I know he has it in him as he can produce the most amazing facts out of the hat at the strangest of times!

I had Jessica's parent meeting at nursery last week and she is doing really well too.

I took this shot of Johnny tonight after the girls dancing and while he was doing his homework.

And on this note I will say it again I love all my children and am incredibly proud of all 4 of them as they shine in different areas.

Night Night


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