Toots in Solitude

By Toots

Elemental, dear Watson

These lists of Chemical Elements have been adorning my wall for such a long, long time. Put there by me with the intention of having a party-piece up my sleeve 'just in case' and being able to imitate Tom Lehrer and sing his Elements song.
Reality:- I never even notice it's there most of the time yet alone trying to learn them by heart (and there are more verses that I've not written out).

My father had a den/study and it's walls were always filled with sheets like this that he'd written only his were the Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, Russian or other language alphabets, notes or goodness knows what 'cos I didn't understand their scrolls but knew he was always studying one language or another.

So, my poor old dad who knew me well would not be surprised to know that his daughter who tried hard to imitate his style was, in fact, quite useless at any form of learning.

Any tips on an easier party piece?

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