Mind the gap

I had no idea how apt this would be as my photo of the day when I took it this morning. I didn't really intend to use it - I just liked the light, so snapped it quickly out of the train window as it went through London Bridge station. But later at work, after I'd gone to the bathroom and washed my hands, I was drying them with a paper towel and managed to ping my wedding ring off into the sink. Cue much flailing around, slapping the sink wildly as the ring bounced around the sides of it, and then a sickening 'plop' as it disappeared down the gaping plug hole. Nooooo!

I had a brief moment of despair then realised it could only be in the trap under the sink, rather than flushed away to sea (or rather, to the sewer). My lovely colleague Toni got straight on the phone to the maintenance company we use and they sent a plumber out a couple of hours later. It was in the trap as I had thought, and I was so happy to get it back!

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