The story so far...


Park life

Today cam was a very lucky boy. He got to go to the playground not once but twice.
The first visit was with Amanda and William. William was keen to show off his walking skills and cam ran around like a crazed person. When he wasn't trying to escape or demanding to be pushed on the swings he had great fun playing in the leaves. Mummy taught him how to kick them and William showed him how to pick them up and throw them, much to cam's delight.
After lunch where ollie happily flirted with ananda but flashing her his gorgeous smile, a trip to the shoe shop for cam's first pair if proper shoes seeing as his feet had grown again (5 1/2 G) and a nap we met up with Yani and his mummy. As the boys were very hyped up we headed to the playground to let them burn off their endless energy before dinner. Cam spent most of the time doing laps of the climbing frame and slide. Unfortunately darkness came otherwise the boys could have continued all night however mummy couldn't as she is exhausted now!

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