Grubs Up.
While i was cleaning my kitchen window today i saw my little garden friend. He lodges in one of our conifers in the front garden. He seems very tame and he is always on his own. I know that a blackbird isn't very rare, or extraordinary but he is to me. It's been another dry day but all seems set to change ,and soon by the look of the sky. We watched the last episode of the Escape Artist last night, and i thought it was really good. After the news we watched a programme called ,Growing up in Wales in the Sixties. It was such a laugh. I am going back to the gym tomorrow after a two week absence, so it will be tough. The library, which is currently housed in the centre of town is moving to the "rec" tomorrow which is were i go to the gym. A lot of people objected to the move as it isn't near the bus station and there were lots of petitions and marches . None of it worked because once the local council decide to do something they will do it , whatever. Personaly it will be good for me as i can work out my body, and then get a book to work out my mind. I can kill two birds with one stone ( which conveniently brings me back to my feathered friend)
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