
My landlady, a neighbour and archangel Michael fighting evil in front of my house, and flowers someone convinced me were needed today. ”I have him there”, Rani says ”, so no evil can enter into my house”.

But what if the thing we call ”evil” is in the house already? What if it is just a word for the dark shadows in ourselves we refuse to see? What if evil is the name of a sweet little monster inside ourselves, asking for a hug?

Almost everyone I know say they want to be good, and everyone has his own ideas about it. So the never ending fight starts, in ourselves and outside, hiring angels to do the job, or fighting ourself. Some time ago, these words came to me, - maybe it is time to share them now:

Blind knight’s tale

For a long long time
I thought I was trying to be good
like some kind of brave knight
fighting for the right things
invading territories with ideas and values
using my sword to defend rights and wrongs
no doubt - I could tell the difference

So busy fighting
I was completely unaware of the fact that
everyone was doing just the same
and that I didn’t know anything
without knowing myself, my darkest fears
armors and shields couldn’t protect me against my blindness,
and the lack of love for the enimies within.
I was not even brave enough to take a look.

When I finally dropped my sword and looked around the battlefield
I realized that there hadn’t been any fight without me in the first place.
All my impressive swordwork had been the biggest obstacle
against the things I thought I was fighting for.
Nothing more to win or loose
hate and love just two sides of the same coin,
my enemies, just like me,
- my most beloved teachers of life.

Have a peaceful day.

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