Pink Twinkles

By Pinktwinkles

Juicy Fruit

Last week in Tesco they had a demonstration of some new super sharp knives. You know the kind where they make you think the knife is amazing - the price is less than you expected, then they tell you they'll actually give you one free and then one smaller one?

Well also chucked into the box were juicers which the woman showed how to use. While eyeballing me, she said "the kids love them" and I thought it was another ploy to make you buy. But at the end she came over and handed me a pile of them (well 3!) and one to each of my kids.

It's apparently the world's smallest juicer and you push it into the orange, twist a little, putt out and discard the small but of skin. Then you twist down until it won't go in any further, you roll the orange in your hands then you can tip upside down and pour the juice or suck like a straw in your mouth. The idea is the cutter bits cut the middle off each segment when you twist and the rolling just pops the wee bits (do they have a name?!) so the juice is just inside. Brilliant!

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