Mick .....

..... in the market.

I've had a fun afternoon/evening out in Leeds today. This afternoon I met up with ZMT in Leeds Market and we had a bit of a blip wander taking street portraits. Mike ( blipped ) was happy to pose for a few shots and enjoyed showing us photos of his gun collection as well as explaining about all his accessories he was wearing.

I think some the characters in the market are a bit too scary for ZMT ( they're all big softies really, even the security guard with the demon tattooed on his head ) , so we had a walk through town and up to the Headrow. ZMT had to head back to work for a bit so I had a walk around the German Christmas Market and a look around the Corn Exchange ( taking portraits as I went ). I met back up with ZMT after he had finished work and then showed him a satellite flare zipping across the sky ( geeky, I know ) before the two of us headed of to the launch of this years Portrait Salon exhibition, where we were joined by the lovely Snapshotsam and Earthdreamer (Bob).

The exhibition was all shown with one projector and with all the chatting and asking people for photos ( it had to be done ) we missed most of the show. I did however win a cotton carrier bag in the raffle. It was fun watching ZMT and Bob using their charms to chat to some very lovely ladies and ask to take their photos. I managed to grab a photo of Emma whilst she was watching ZMT photograph her friend.

It's been a lovely day and I've taken a lot of portraits ( the rest of which I've put in a set here ) and it's been great to see ZMT, Sam and Bob again. I was tempted to blip the portrait of Emma, but Sam and Bob have already featured her on their blips today, so today's blip is .....

..... Mike in the market.

More Leeds Market portraits here.

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