Off Centre

By RachelCarter

#Lovember the 12th


Aah... Trees... Lovely trees.

I love you, trees. Thank you for being trees and not being cows or factories or cinemas or motorways.

Thanks for sucking up our crappy air and just being there.

15 minutes later...
I had to post the above really quickly as my laptop battery was on 6% and conked immediately after I'd posted.
I took quite a few photos in the wood, and the sunlight did pretty things but I often find a crappy little picture suits the way I feel better (Not that I feel crappy or little!).

I did a heap big meal plan and a shed load of shopping this morning. We might be busy over the next few days and I don't want to have to think about too much what with my little chaotic brain.

Joel came home from college early feeling sick, was daft enough to eat tea with us and has since spent the evening emptying himself noisily from both ends. He very kindly gave me a nice description of regurgitated rice noodles which was thoughtful. It's good to share...

It was interesting to look back on the entry from this day last year and see how Gemma's life has changed - and not in the way we were expecting.

Tess has started after school football and seems to be enjoying it. She came home asking for proper football boots.

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