7 losses in 6 years!

I had a surprise in church on Sunday when I was presented with this trophy. As I am moving on in January it commemorates the fact that I had seven losses in the six years of annual conker championships in my garden. Determined to win I challenged this year's winner to an extra match and still lost, hence the extra one. But now I have my own trophy to keep as a special momento of some fun and very happy times. I was really touched by the presentation and I will treasure it.

(Actually, looking back at my blip as I write this, it was eight losses in seven years of competitions. We keep miscounting as I've been here six years but we started and finished with one)

Some more good news today, I have just received the award for the new module one of camera school. You may remember the vegetable still life I posted on 30th October? It received a GOLD award! That has cheered me up a bit. :-)

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