Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Ireland - Day Four

Lorenzo and Sheila took us around to some of their favorite spots including Kilkenny which we loved! We visited some wonderful gardens and had fun being the passengers while Lorenzo did all the driving!

You'd think that I'd choose a shot of the castle at Kilkenny, or perhaps something from the gardens ... but no, I had to go with cows. You see, as a girl growing up in Alaska, I didn't see many domestic farm animals so I still find them to be rather exotic and fascinating. So much so that insisted we stop to photograph them, much to the amusement of our hosts. I think this one had a particularly sweet face...

We had a wonderful dinner at Campagne in Kilkenny - a paradise for foodies and a meal to remember. Anyone still laboring u8nder the notion that Ireland doesn't have excellent food is sorely mistaken. We had some 5* meals there.

Remembering Ireland...

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