
By annabelrosewats

Graffiti Shot

Up late. Had spaghetti, chicken, Philadelphia and masses of broccoli!! Felt quite healthy with all the broccoli I ate. I met Mar after her class at Coles to do a small shop. She ate lunch at the little cafe before we went for the shop. She doesn't eat an awful lot. I got some money out for taxi to the airport. We went and took some more photos... classic. We took lots of really cool graffiti shots. I opened the blinds off the big windows and so much light came in. Mar was amazed!
In the evening we went with Jorge and his 'druggy friend' we had met earlier in the day. We went and got a pub supper. Apparently the spare ribs were the best there so I ordered some of those along with Mar and Jorge. Our plates were absolutely huge and I wasn't even that hungry. We had our own room in the pub where we ate. There were masses of different rooms it was quite cool. Next place was a really strange bar that the 'druggy' said was good. Apparently because it is a quiet night everyone plays this strange video game. It was super old and the people playing it seemed to be getting into it a little too much. When I got back I wrote a informal letter for Mar for her homework. Did our weird crab dance in the reflection of the window before heading to bed!

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