cute ears...

...on a squirrel

that followed me around - my little lake - hoping for a morsel of food... but i don't carry food with me for the animals - don't believe it's a good practice - plus there are signs everywhere warning not to feed them - although people come every day with bread and grains to throw at the ducks and geese - i suppose it's a habit that cannot be broken - we enjoy being able to take delight in feeding the critters - providing for them - watching their antics with one another - it's fun to see children interact with the animals - not be afraid of them either - so i know they all get enough - but they need to still depend on the land - be able to forage for themselves - especially as winter is approaching -

yeah - i'm sure they wonder why the strange lady with the black box - won't give it up for them - yet it doesn't stop them from following me - wanting their 15 minutes of fame in front of the little window - they do enjoy posing, regardless - and so doesn't that just make for...


happy day.....

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