View From The Study

By StudyView


No chance of meatballs though. Hope wasn't selected for football, although was off anyway due to a froEn pitch. We went to the flicks instead to see Cloudy etc 2 which was ok but the 3d didn't add much. Late lunch in Project Coffee in Bruntsfield who did this nice lunch for me and were happy to do a bespoke cheese panini for H. Bumped into some very old friends there on the way out; Scotty was over for the Potterrow reunion that I missed last night (from Kentucky) with Richard Bradley (from Southampton) and Rod White (from The Filmhouse).

Quiet afternoon of tidying while H relaxed; she's very tired, then some work before Homeland and MOTD. Floss due back around 11 from Bournemouth. She'll be tired too.

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