
I sing the title track for Gravity! This afternoon we went to the Imax at Kingston with our friends Kate and Tim and son Charlie to see it, I LOVED it, it made me cry, very beautiful, exciting, tense and emotional movie and it was so thrilling to hear myself singing at the end! I was sitting next to Zebedee who was very proud ;-) Nice to know that I have recahed George Clooney's ears, Kate reckons I need to work on reaching other parts next….. ;-)

Gulliver tried a new Karate class this morning, he was very nervous and I was really proud of him for overcooming his nerves and staying to the whole session, I know how hard it was for him, the main teacher Phillip was so wonderful to Gulliver and helped him so much, I was very grateful.

We observed the silence for Remembrance Sunday at the end if the Karate session led by Sense Philip, I found it very moving remembering with everyone in the hall and shed a tear for my Mother's Father who served in the Navy in WW1 and in the Home Guard in WW2, he must have been through so much, I was 13 when he died and never asked him about it.

We had a lovely sunny walk along the towpath from Teddington to Kingston today as well and after the cinema Kate nd Tim invited us in for drinks, a lovely day and still Downtron Abbey to look forward to!

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