Obfuscated Design

By obfuscatedesign

Quick shot of some Converse. Ive never really been a fan of them up until now as they associated you with a group of people that I wouldn't want to be associated with. Perhaps this year when they all head off to uni I might pick some up. Try them out without fear of being compartmentalised.

Politics in a few hours.

I already had a high B earlier when I sat it last year but I'm looking for that elusive A grade. I think I've worked and revised far harder for these resits than I did last year but it has been a year since I was taught anything for the exam.

I could go either way. If I get the right essay questions then there is no reason I couldn't get 100%, but by the same token it could just go horribly horribly wrong. Hmmm.

Back to revising I think.

PS. Words to try and work into this essay include but are not limited to: echelons, clandestine, panacea, equivocate, paradigm, probity, exacerbate. Ooh, and quipped.

WITHOUT looking them up.. anyone know what they all mean?

-----------------EDIT -----------------

Ok. It's been brought to my attention that some people are attempting to cheat my ingeneous and flawless system by only claiming they know the meaning of these overly articulated words that can only really be used in an essay for the otherwise fear of being bullied.

No longer shall I allow this to happen! If you feel like playing the game then try and include all words in a meaningful sentance either in a comment here, or within the text of your blip today.

This way people do not reveal their meaning, but have proved they can use them correctly and thus understand their meaning (unless you get really lucky).


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