Two New Kittens
My wife has nagged me for years now to get more cats. Ideally she would love me to be a millionaire so that she could retire and spend the rest of her life looking after cats. Since that is unlikely to happen (as we both have to work like everyone less for our living), I thought that having two cats (like most other people) would be enough, but no ... she wants more.
Meet our two new kittens.
Don't get me wrong ... I love animals, I'm just uncomfortable with being responsible for too many. I'm happy with two, but four? Or more????
We have a big garden, but I don't want four cats in the house.
They are cute though.
We have not named them yet. Any suggestions? They are both girls (and both little babes). The one on the left has taken to me. She has been comfortable in my arms. She hissed at her previous owner (and also my wife) when they tried to take her away from me. Needless to say, she has not hissed at me once. We have not observed her eat or drink anything yet (a bit worrying). She had not been picked up by another human until today (they had been sleeping outdoors in a big garden with their mother).
The kitten on the right has eaten solids and drank kitten milk at our home tonight. She'll be fine. I suspect she is a week or two older. I'm guessing that they are 5 and 7 weeks old.
What shall we call them?
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