just sitting,

By justsitting

Gladhouse 8

Another day off work as part of my part time life, and what a great start to the day. The sunshine is promising a different day from last week's thursday.

After dropping A at school, R and I had a visit to the canal, and I took some shots and chatted to someone else who was there snapping away. I couldn't resist telling him about blipfoto.

Came back to the house and R and I have cut all the new strawberry plants off the old ones and planted them so they are ready for next year. Hopefully a bigger crop next year and I get to taste one.

Domestic tasks in the garden are so welcome on days like this, Bring on the next load of washing that needs hung out.

Am typing this with R and she wants to type all the e's (she hit the wrong key that time, it should have been r.)

have a top thursday.

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