Off Centre

By RachelCarter

#Lovember the 9th


I love kids

Not just the kids/our kids but kids. Kids kids. Children kids.

This isn't a blipfoto entry specifically dedicated to my children because for that I'd need all three in the shot.

When I was younger I dreamt of being a primary or nursery school teacher when I grew up. I always imagined myself being surrounded by children. And I always imagined myself being a mum.
Unfortunately the anxiety stopped me from realising my dreams to work with children but I did teach piano on and off for a few years and I did have 3 of my own children.
Education and childhood still interest me enormously, and my ideas about both have changed A LOT since becoming a parent and watching my own 3 children grow - but also through my studies and writing I have continued to think and grow and expand my ideas.

I see how through being parents both Richard and I have evolved and become much better people and learnt to think about others first. If I'd sat Richard down and asked him to discuss having children all those years ago he would have refused to, but we found we were expecting Gemma anyway and despite Richard's initial terror she made our lives better every day in so many ways. I know that Richard thinks becoming a father was the best thing that ever happened to him.

Far too often adults see children as almost different species, an annoyance, they think children need separately accommodating instead of integrating them into their lives, and they overlook the power of simply caring, loving, listening and guiding over attempts to control and judge.

Everything is better when we value the care of children and their early years. To be part of that is a great honour and brings the biggest rewards I have ever known.

If you let them, children really do bring out the best in you, and teach you so much more than you ever thought possible about yourself and the world.

Today there was glitter all over the dining room table and there was a visit from Granny.

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