Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Scout's Home

The Blip I never thought I was going to do. But here it is.

I went out to call Dylan in just before going out for a meal in a local restaurant with friends and family, and could hear another cat crying loudly a hundred yards away across the main road and the canal (the footbridge is right by our house). I met a neighbour on the bridge and between us we found Scout scared and running around in the hedgerows by some houses. Literally a stone's throw from his home. He was scared and I thought he was going to disappear again but he recognised my voice and we grabbed him and bought him home.

We had people over (including the Girl Racer who had come home from Uni for the evening) and the whole house just erupted in screams and tears.

Two weeks to the day since he disappeared. He's thin and has a cut on his ear but otherwise he is fine. We'll never know the how and whys and wherefores but he's obviously tough enough to survive out there. Remarkable.

As for the rest of the day ...

Good trip up with Top Gun to see Aged P. Lot of rain. I made dal and TSM made biscuits.

A fairly typical Saturday with one exception -

Scout's home.

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