Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Medal Exam/Beautiful Girl

This morning Carys had a practise for her medal exam tomorrow and Mummy had a practise at doing her make up, eyeliner and all. Not too bad if I say so myself, although very odd putting make up on her and made her look so much older than her 6 years.

Once she had been scrubbed clean we spent some time selling poppies. It was raining but luckily we had a spot with some shelter. I think we did very well, at least 2x £5 and one £10 went in, plus some who put money in just because C was collecting, while telling her what a good job she was doing.

After that we ran round the shops picking up black paper for her crafty cone and photos from Boots from W's party for thank you's. Then she needed food and I needed coffee, so we retied to the warmth and also managed to get her maths homework and handwriting done while we were there. Result.

Back home, she made her crafty cone witch hat and then Daddy, William and Carys sat and watched Sword in the Stone, while I made the kids tea and sneaked a look at Star Wars Episode IV, while listening to peals of laughter coming from the front room. I didn't realise that Disney's Sword in the Stone was that funny.

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