With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


This is my good friend who owns the best toy and gift shop in Soller, Caval Verd ( The green horse). It is just off the square in the centre of town. She is great for a chat and always knows whose birthday it is and who has already bought what.

She was also a good friend of the oldest man in Soller, ever, Josep Puig Morell, who died very recently at 105. I knew him to say hello to from the first days I came to Soller. He was always immaculately dressed, raised his hat if he could and gave the children a sweet and patted them on the head. He had a distinguished career, ultimately boss of the railway and El Gas (the electric company!) and had previously worked in the textile industry. (See entry for Sept 1st.)

I was upset to read of his death and so was Maribel of course. Everyday, like many older people here, they take a constitutional walk around the town. He always stopped for a chat with her on the bench outside the shop, and once I stopped too.

Today in passing, I called to say sorry that we had lost our mutual friend and how sad I had never taken a photo of him. So, she lent me one of the two of them on the bench. She also showed me a poem he had written for her about the shop.

So, we had a conversation at a depth that we might not have had otherwise, but for blip, so thanks for listening:)

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