Victory for Dolly

My new laptop, that I bought in August, developed a major fault due to a manufacturing defect! After two months, the motherboard in a computer should not fail! It was sent to Sony who verified this but they couldn't repair it for two weeks! I decided that this was such a major fault I did not wish to accept the laptop back and I wished to claim my right to a replacement! We went to the shop where we bought it and tried to get a replacement as is stated in the sale of goods act. The assistant manager of the shop was most rude and extremely unhelpful and we were told we couldn't have one. One swift call to trading standards and a call to the management team of the rude assistant manager and we managed to get an offer of a replacement, with said management team phoning the branch and speaking to the incompetent assistant manager in question! Went down to the shop to pick a new computer and the assistant manager was nowhere to be seen, on a call apparently. Not only that but we didn't need to show any of our paperwork as it seems we were expected! I think he may have gotten into trouble, lying to the customer and denying them their statutory rights will do that!

I chose this nice samsung as I didn't want to tempt fate with the same model I had!

The moral of the story is...don't mess with someone who has just finished studying the sale of goods act and her extremely pedantic husband!

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