South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

I love....

.....sunshine after the rain! There was a window of sunshine this morning, so I went into the garden and took some photos - these two were definitely the best. It was actually quite warm when the sun was out. The rain is absolutely pouring down now (mid-afternoon). We've just sampled the apple crumble for the first time - I had mine with custard, hubby ate his with ice cream. It was really delicious and so nice to have listening to the sound of the rain...cosy!

I have typed and copied the church minutes and envelope stuffed them ready to put out tomorrow. I will probably get started on the news sheet soon, as I've been given quite a lot of new articles to go in, which is good. Some weeks I hardly know what to put in, other weeks there's so much that I have to add in extra pages! Oh, the trials of the editor! ;-)

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