Lovember: Daisies

I love that you have to get close to the earth to see them properly. I love that you have to get muddy knees to photograph them. I love that they don't need any scent to be beautiful and precious. I love that you can't tame them by putting them in a vase. I love that my boys still try and haven't yet stopped giving me squished, limp handfuls to put by my bedside.

I love that they have been about since the beginning of time. I love that they are not beholden to any fixed season and will battle through inclement times valiantly - bedraggled, but valiant. I love that they catch whatever little light there is and absorb it and reflect it back twice-over.

And I still love making daisy chains and I love plucking the petals, trying desperately hard not to cheat.

(I didn't pluck this one.)

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