BIG Ice Cube

I took BlipBear and Kiwi to the museum today so they could see the giant block of ice in the courtyard. I thought it was exactly that – a giant block of ice, but I was wrong. It was an “installation” and because it was an artistic creation, it was roped off and BlipBear was not allowed to have his picture taken sitting on it. We were told that the artist placed the slabs of ice “just so”, and even added colored lights for effect at night. There were a few smaller “cubes” on the ground around it, but we couldn’t even plunk BlipBear on one of them. It’s part of the current exhibit on Vanishing Ice in the world and intended to stay there and melt slowly as a comment on the situation.

BlipBear was very disappointed, being a Polar Bear and all. He would have been very respectful of the art and, personally, I think his presence would have enhanced the artistic originality of it, but the museum disagreed with me. So, BlipBear and Kiwi had to view it from afar, but it was still very impressive, and now they want to go to the Arctic or Antarctic to see big chunks of ice for themselves. So, if there are any blippers in either location, let me know.

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