Off Centre

By RachelCarter

#Lovember the 7th

A walk in the woods.

I love trees.
I feel happier when they have company though. One tree looks lonely. Woods look like a family.

I heard on the local weather forecast that November's looking rubbish. I wondered if we would see any dry days before my Lovember series is over. Trees are up there with my biggest loves so I wanted to get them in to this month's blips somehow, and I thought today might be my chance.
Unfortunately it was really cloudy and rained on and off and I didn't get any shots of the trees in the woods that I liked enough.

But. There is a good thing about this shot. I have learnt that fellow blipping chum, Dotty has a gate fetish. So this one's for her.

The last week has been quite confused and chaotic. It's been full of surprises - good, bad and yet to be determined. Other people have thrown surprises at us and it's not my place to discuss them - even though we're deeply affected.

I've not written a proper journal entry for a while so I hope I find the time to soon.

I asked Richard to walk through the gate and leave it open for me. I wanted to stand alone in the woods in peace and think about where things might be going.

I feel that our lives might be rather different by this time next year and I'm not sure how I feel about it. Somehow the trees that I've become familiar with in the wood helped me to feel grounded and safe.

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