Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

The Stuff that Blips are Made of

I made it to 300 :)
And there's been a lot of wine, chocolate, flowers, candles, and computers in those 300 blips!

One week was skipped when I was on vacation in the US. Although I have photos for each of those days and scribbled notes, I've never found the time to back-blip. Just as I haven't been able to prioritize writing much in this journal lately, or commenting on all the fantastic posts I see, or replying to the thoughtful comments of other Blippers... I regret there's been too little time for this since I returned to full-time work. But thank you all for being part of my Blip experience!

In current news: My older son had a minor surgery on his foot today, and needs another one in 2 weeks, but then after about 5-6 weeks (by Christmas?) he should be well and able to get around better and play sports again. I feel badly watching him put up a brave face against the pain. He's being quite a trooper.

Otherwise, everything is mostly good in my life, if a little out of balance. I'm happy to have a challenging and rewarding job, despite all the time I miss with my friends (breakfasts, yoga, AWCD events, etc). The kids are in schools where they have a real chance to succeed and be happy - and that is far more important. I'm sure, come Spring, everything will be on an even keel again :)

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