The Stolen Pallette
Strolling the Lanes this morning..i came across Martin the Signwriter busy at work..I stood a distance away as it struck me how focussed he was.. sitting on the brick cobbles as people eased by him. I waited for a natural break, then asked him if i could take a photo of him at work..he said he should have a hat out for money as someone had allready asked him!..I explained capturing a craftsman at work was one of my passions..& then i noticed his boched up pallette & mentiond it as kindly as i could... he rested a mo & told me his wee story. His pallette was made of a beautifull rich oak & he had it for 25 years.. the paint had built up all arround the edges until it formed coloured hills all the way was a thing of beauty to him... then one day it was stolen.. just gone..and he couldnt replace it. I hope he finds his Blip story..i told him how thank you Martin for much more than just a picture.
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