
By CharlotteJ

Do you have your poppy?!

For my second core unit of my studies, I have to reflect on what I am learning, what I could do better, how I am going to do thing differently, what I learnt etc. It’s proving quite interesting. One activity from the workbook asked a series of questions to make you reflect on the past. My poppy that I brought today made me think of something that happened a few years ago…….
When I was about 21 I was working for a manufacturing company who had a staff base of about 100 and I worked in the head office part of the building with the warehouse behind us. I looked after all the ‘HR’ issues together with PA support to the CEO (I hated the job!) and the CEO on Remembrance Day asked to ensure an announcement was made to reserve a 2 minute silence. So I dutifully put a tanoy announcement out to the warehouse that at 11am we would be marking the 2 minutes and a bell would sound at the start and a bell would sound at the finish. I dropped an email out to those in the office and continued with my day with a careful eye on the clock. After the 2 minutes had passed a very upset and angry Finance Director stormed into my office and screamed at me, ‘who the hell do you think you are ordering a two minute silence you little upstart?!’. Complelty taken aback and embarrassed, tears brimmed in my eyes, I explained that I had been asked to make the announcement and didn’t think to question the request as I had been brought up to show respect and certainly show respect on Remembrance Day. He retorted with ‘not everyone wants reminding of the war’ and ‘you need to be careful young lady’. He stormed off and I was left feeling very confused and attacked by his outburst!! He did eventually apologise but to this day I often wonder why he felt the way he did and also know that the way you speak to a person or what you say to a person can have a huge effect on that person. Think before you speak is my moto! And certainly never forget all the people who lost lives and still do in wars……… As for Remembrance Day, I will be remembering as I always do! Dad sadly won’t be able to march at the cenotaph this weekend but he will certainly be watching those who do and we will all be wearing our poppies with pride!
I’m off to London tonight…first proper day of my second core unit tomorrow. I may be late blipping tomorrow and will be a bit slow with comments on your lovely journals.

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