Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Online Shopping!

I must say, I’m enjoying this online shopping caper. Shopping from the comfort of your own home! Except I’m not in comfort yet - the computer is balanced on a wee table and I’m perched on an even smaller one, keypad on my knees. My computer room is not yet organised, it being full to the gunnels of boxes that can’t be unpacked yet due to the fact that we're making two small boxrooms into one bigger one. Quite a big deal too - cutting through a brick wall. Eeeek! Dust... Noise...

We need a ladder. I had pondered over many days how to get it home in our wee car. May be possible, but with many bad words inserting it. Then I thought - No! Online of course! Look at several, read reviews. Free delivery. Job done.

The delivery window for the rug and big kitchen clock today was 7:30- 6:30, but arrived at the very acceptable time of 11am. This enabled me to go into town and change my address at a bank we don’t use much. Hence I did not have a card. But I had my passport and driving licence. What trouble I caused. They were trying to insist that I come back with my card to do this. I innocently asked, ‘What if I can’t find it? Does that mean I can’t change my address?’ At which point they sighed, relented, and did it the other way, sans carte, but loads of printed paper work, which I think they didn’t want.

Still, it was accomplished, and I set off walking through the Meadows, with my customary treat for such exercise - un pain au raison. And one for JR.

I took loads of autumny trees. At one point, a young lady in a red jacket and long blonde hair walked past me, going fast. She was perfect in my shot, so I walked really really fast to try and keep up. Jings I was puffing, and almost called out to her to slow down. I did not get the image I hoped I might get - autumn trees, shaft of sunlight on golden hair, splash of red…

However, as I was hovering ready to cross the road, two crows came hopping up. Aha! I think they would like a bit of my JR’s pastry. I threw out a few teasers and they hopped in and skipped off sharpish. I couldn’t keep up the bent double stance, but found something handy to sit, and threw out a few more bits. I was quite lavish. I took lots of shots, many when the flash hadn’t re-charged.

I ate the other half of the pastry on the way home - this house is slightly further to walk! And oops, I seem to have eaten the other pastry with my coffee. Sorry, JR.

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